In the spring of 2011 Saled placed LED lighting in the – at the time – dim parking garage Wheemplein. The more than 170 LED tubes increased the light yield with 85 lux, whilst dropping the energy consumption with 70%. More than five laters we examined the lighting.
It was one of Saled’s bigger projects in the year of 2011: converting the parking garage Wheemplein in Nijkerk to LED. The bad lighting had been a problem for the municipality Nijkerk for years, so they approached Saled for a solution. Because of the good condition of the fixtures, Saled applied the retrofit method: installing new LED lighting in the existing fixtures.
Lighting in excellent condition
Five years later we can conclude that the Saled product is in excellent condition. When you enter the parking garage as a visitor the bright lighting immediately stands out. There has been no decrease in light output. This proofs that Saled lighting is not only profitable, but also of the highest quality.
Goals achieved
The calculations beforehand were promising: by changing the lighting and switching off the ballasts an energy saving larger than 70% should be realised. Afterwards we can conclude that this goal has been achieved. Municipality Nijkerk has saved over €22.000 on energy costs. A great result, amply earning back the investment.
Long lifetime
Saled’s premium quality lighting has a very long lifetime. It is expected that most of the LED tubes will last for another five years, doubling the total energy savings in the coming years.