At the beginning of October, Saled has provided Kartonwerken Eerbeek, located in Spankeren, of durable LED lighting. As a result of the conversion, the company specialized in the manufacturing of high-quality packaging material realizes an energy saving of 27.330 kWh per year.
The cooperation between Saled and Kartonwerken Eerbeek arises from the contact with sales manager Jerry Geerlings. In the nearby Doesburg, hometown of Geerlings, some great projects have recently been realized by Saled. For example: the Martini church was illuminated by LED and also the local swimming pool was fitted with energy-efficient LED lighting. For this reason, Kartonwerken Eerbeek approached Saled, to also fit the printing company with a sustainable LED lighting solution.
70% energy saving
In the printing company, more than 120 conventional T8 fluorescent tubes are replaced by LED tubes. In addition, also old downlighters with PL-C lamps are replaced by LED downlighters and the building has been equipped with new LED escape route lighting. The annual energy consumption (39.236 kWh) has been reduced to only 11.906 kWh; an energy saving of almost 70%.
Corporate social responsibility
Besides the enormous energy saving, also the environment is saved due to a CO2- and sulphur reduction of respectively 15.569 kg and 11.615 gr. In this way, Kartonwerken Eerbeek also makes a positive contribution to society through a signal of corporate social responsibility. The investment is expected to be fully recouped within already two years.