
Owners associations in Utrecht and Barneveld reduce energy costs with Saled-lighting

More and more VVE’s (owners associations) are struggling with excessive energy costs. In many cases this is particularly due to the current lighting. This also applies for two owner associations in Barneveld and Utrecht, that recently approached Saled to install energy-efficient lighting.

The enormous energy savings, long lifetime and excellent light output of led-lighting make a switch to durable lighting interesting for almost every building. In recent years, Saled has therefore been able to help several owners associations with reducing their energy bills. Last month, again two new owner associations were fitted with LED, to the complete satisfaction of the owners.

In Barneveld, Saled provided the owner association of representative Reinier van Leeuwen with an innovative solution. A durable led ring was placed in 19 ceiling lights to replace the conventional light source. Moreover, all escape route lighting has been replaced by led. With only these small adjustments, a saving of 7.416 kWh per year is achieved. Van Leeuwen: “We are very satisfied with the work carried out. In the beginning it took some time getting used to the new lighting, because it was slightly brighter, but we were quickly used to that.”

In Utrecht, VVE Toren Kluiver switched to energy-efficient led-lighting. A total of 30 new light sources were installed, including ceiling lights, gallery lighting and escape route lighting. The energy consumption has therefore been reduced by more than 50%. Representative Joost van Schip: “We are very satisfied with the new led-lighting. Our building is properly illuminated again and we are going to save a lot on the energy bill.”

Also save with led-lighting?
Are you also interested in the possibilities of led-lighting for your association of owners? Saled would be happy to provide you with more information via a free initial consultation including a savings calculation.

033 299 07 35

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