The branch of car damage recovery company Schadex in Maarssen is entirely fitted with energy efficient lighting. In mid-June, the last conventional lamp in the building has been replaced by LED. Thanks to the investment in durable Saled LED lighting, Schadex will save more than 65% on energy consumption, whilst the light output in the workshop has greatly improved.
The entire building at the Ambachtsweg 1 in Maarssen has been fitted with LED at the beginning of June. The choice for LED not only benefits Schadex, but also the environment. Compared to the conventional lighting, the energy consumption is annually 62.000 kWh lower, and also the emission of CO2 (35.000 kg per year) and sulfur (26.000 gr per year) is greatly reduced. A good example of corporate social responsibility.
Light output
As the lighting at Schadex burns on average for about 60 hours a week, the car damage recovery company will save almost 10.000 euros on the energy bill annually. As a result, the total investment will be recouped within a period of two years. The Schadex mechanics will also benefit greatly from the new workshop lighting. Despite the reduced energy consumption, the light output in the workshop has strongly improved. Because led light is free from vibration, this will significantly enhance the concentration and productivity of the mechanics.
Most of the lamps are placed in the workshop: over 300 LED tubes. Besides the entire workshop, also the car wash, the canteen, the reception and the office are fully provided with energy efficient LED solutions. Thanks to the Saled retrofit method, all fluorescent tubes could be replaced one-to-one by LED tubes, so that the existing fixtures of Schadex did not have to be unnecessarily replaced.