
Substantial energy saving for Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch

energy savings

In two days, Hall A of Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch was converted from conventional lighting to LED lighting by the Saled Electriceurs. The new lighting immediately ensures substantial energy savings.

The conventional tubes were replaced in large numbers by LED tubes T8 and T5/T6, which are much more economical in energy consumption than traditional tubes. This is favorable because energy prices are currently very high. The switch to LED ensures an energy saving of 67% per year on this part of the Avans energy bill!

Save with retrofit

With the Saled Retrofit method, the existing fixture can be converted, so it is suitable for using LED lamps. By doing this we prevent capital destruction. At Avans, the LED solutions PS-C and PS-T were placed. As a result, the Hogeschool contributes to a better environment and Avans immediately benefits from an excellent energy saving.

And why do you make it difficult if it is easy? With the Saled Retrofit solutions, the VSA (control device) is switched off. Replacing a VSA is often more expensive than the relevant LED lamp. So you also save considerably on purchase and maintenance costs.

Even more energy savings for Avans

The 67% energy saving equals 77666 kWh savings per year. The investment of Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch in LED ensures a sulfur reduction of 33008 gr and a CO² emission reduction of 43959 kg is being realized. This is equivalent to a saving of 2,198 trees (1 tree = 20 kg CO²). A choice for LED is therefore a sustainable choice. Avans will have recovered the investment in LED in 2.4 years.

energy savings

Visible difference for students

“What is the difference between conventional lighting and LED lighting for schools and is the difference actually visible?” You may be wondering. LED has even more advantages in addition to high energy savings. It also has a positive effect on students and teachers. Conventional lighting has a flicker. You can easily check this by opening the camera from your phone and focusing it on the current lighting in the classroom. Does the lighting flicker? Then you don’t have LED yet. The flicker of conventional lighting ensures that people get tired faster. LED from Saled comes with a “Flicker Free Driver”, which has a positive effect on the concentration. Students, teachers, and other school employees go home less tired at the end of their school and working day.

energy savings

Want to know more about LED school lighting?

And are you also interested in substantial energy savings? To make your school more sustainable, start with LED lighting. But we know: you don’t just make a switch to new lighting. That is why we help you with every phase of this process. Contact us for all your questions.

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