VVE Cordell Hull in Rotterdam immediately started the year well and decided to replace the old lighting with LED gallery lighting. By replacing the lighting in the galleries, the VvE will save a lot and contribute to a better environment.
Two different types of gallery lighting have been placed, namely Dinand and Stanley. In this case, the Stanley was mounted 176 times with a twilight switch.
Saving as a VVE
LED gallery lighting is a sustainable choice for VVE Cordell Hull. It ensures a good green appearance such as VVE. But the savings may be even more important. For VVE Cordell Hull this means an energy saving of 62%, they now consume 17320 kWh less per month than with the old, conventional lighting. Converted to euros, that is more than € 7,600 per year! A nice amount can be invested in other elements to make VVE Cordell Hull better. Due to the choice of LED, there are also fewer CO² and sulfur emissions, namely 9803 kg CO² and 7361 gr. sulfur.

LED lighting for your VvE
Save on the energy bill, do you want that too? Choose Saled LED gallery lighting. There are various options for your VvE. In addition to the porches, you can also provide the parking garage with new, clear lighting. But it is also possible to replace the lighting in phases. Read more about our service project.
In recent years, Saled has been able to help more than 80 VvEs by reducing the energy bill. Consider replacing conventional lighting with energy-efficient LED gallery lighting. Contact us for suitable advice for your VvE.