The fire station in Nijkerk has been fitted with Saled LED lighting. More than 330 conventional fluorescent tubes, downlighters, floodlights and emergency lights were replaced by a durable LED solution. The energy savings exceed 70% and the fire station will earn back the investment within 2 years.
Stef de Graaf, Sales Director at Saled: “In advance we made an inventory of all the light units in the station. Besides fluorescent tubes and downlighters, we also look at more special lighting, such as escape route fixtures and floodlights.” After the inventory Saled made a lighting plan with a calculation of the possible savings. “We were able to reduce the total power consumption from 17.697 watts to 5.655 watts. With this, the customer saves over 70%, which equals 44.500 kWh on an annual basis.” Enough reason for the fire station to choose for LED lighting.
An installation team of Saled started with the conversion of the 337 units on monday, the 7th of March. De Graaf: “From experience we know that a conversion at a fire station requires a tight schedule. During the conversion to LED, our crew has to make sure that the firetrucks can leave the station for an emergency at any time. For this reason the planning was thoroughly discussed with the customer.” Because of the good cooperation, the team managed to finish the installation the following friday.
Saled is happy with yet another satisfied customer.